Who Are The 95 To 97% That fail At Making Money Online?
We are the same people that are making the 3 to 5%’ers the money that is made online.
The 3 to 5%’ers are like the puppet master, and we, the 95 to 97%’ers are the puppets.
We use to call them gurus. But now we call them influencers. I am not against the influencers for doing what they do.
They are good at what they do or else they would not be successful. But everyone doesn’t have that talent.
Everyone doesn’t want to be influencers to be successful at making money online.
There has to be a better way. A way where the masses could win. Where the 97%’ers can make money online without selling, competing, or creating a job for themselves.
I am working on a system ware everyone can be successful without defuse the profit potential of anyone else.